PiiGAB 900S/T (2)

The following list will explain how to install a license in the PiiGAB M-Bus 900/900S. These steps will also show the current license of a PiiGAB M-Bus 900/900S.

  1. Start the gateway’s web interface in any web browser.
  2. Go to the Administrations page.
  3. Under fliken Basic Settings hittas sektionen License. Här visas omvandlarens licens. (SW 2.5.0 eller högre)
  4. Paste the license into the field Update license.
  5. Press the button Update.
  6. Wait for the license to be installed.
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The following list will explain how to install software in the PiiGAB M-Bus 900 V2 and PiiGAB M-Bus 900S. These steps are either used to install a new software or update an existing.

  1. Ladda hem mjukvaran som ZIP-fil, please click here.
  2. Unzip the file to gain access to the tgz-file.
  3. Place the tgz-file somewhere on the computer. Don’t open the tgz-file.
  4. Start the web interface for the gateway in any browser.
  5. Go to the Administration page.
  6. Find the section Update Software.
  7. Press the Browse… button.
  8. Browse to and select the tgz-file.
  9. Press the button Install.
  10. Wait until the installation has finished.

Note: If QuickPost, Modbus2MBus or Wireless M-Bus is not shown in the web browser, please press CTRL + F5.

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Quickpost (14)

QuickPost använder passivt läge.

Kategori Quickpost
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Ja, utan PiiGAB QuickPost angivet i licensen fungerar inte PiiGAB QuickPost.

Kategori Quickpost
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Ja, det råa M-Bus datat från M-Bus mätarna måste konverteras till PiiAGBs M-Bus ASCII protokollet för att kunna exporteras via PiiGAB QuickPost.

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Nej inte nödvändigtvis. Vi rekommenderar dock att ställa omvandlarens interna klocka för att FTP- eller HttpPost-servern klocka ska vara synkroniserade med omvandlarens klocka.

Kategori Quickpost
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När GMT har nått Upload time laddas filen upp. Inte när den lokala tiden har nått Upload time.

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I navigeringsfältet till vänster i omvandlarens webbgränssnitt ska det gå att välja PiiGAB QuickPost om applikationen är installerad.

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The following list will explain how to install a license in the PiiGAB M-Bus 900/900S. These steps will also show the current license of a PiiGAB M-Bus 900/900S.

  1. Start the gateway’s web interface in any web browser.
  2. Go to the Administrations page.
  3. Under fliken Basic Settings hittas sektionen License. Här visas omvandlarens licens. (SW 2.5.0 eller högre)
  4. Paste the license into the field Update license.
  5. Press the button Update.
  6. Wait for the license to be installed.
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The following list will explain how to install software in the PiiGAB M-Bus 900 V2 and PiiGAB M-Bus 900S. These steps are either used to install a new software or update an existing.

  1. Ladda hem mjukvaran som ZIP-fil, please click here.
  2. Unzip the file to gain access to the tgz-file.
  3. Place the tgz-file somewhere on the computer. Don’t open the tgz-file.
  4. Start the web interface for the gateway in any browser.
  5. Go to the Administration page.
  6. Find the section Update Software.
  7. Press the Browse… button.
  8. Browse to and select the tgz-file.
  9. Press the button Install.
  10. Wait until the installation has finished.

Note: If QuickPost, Modbus2MBus or Wireless M-Bus is not shown in the web browser, please press CTRL + F5.

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Kontrollera så att Tag Type är Value i konfigurationen. Om du har kopierat från en mall, som till exempel Browse Template kan det stå en annan Tag Type där.

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Ja, M-Bus ASCII data kan levereras från vilken PiiGAB M-Bus 900/900S som helst via en slavport konfigurerad för M-Bus ASCII.

Kategori Quickpost
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Ja, PiiGAB QuickPost hämtas på www.piigab.com. I omvandlarens webbgränssnitt på Administrationssidan under Update Software installeras applikationen.

Kategori Quickpost
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Nej, innehållet i PiiGAB QuickPosts konfigurationsfil kan antingen vara en del eller samma fil som Master portens.

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Detta beror på hur mycket timeouten på slavporten som levererar M-Bus ASCII datat är inställd på. PiiGAB QuickPosts timeout ska vara högre än slavporten för att garantera att data kommer fram till PiiGAB QuickPost applikationen.

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Detta innebär att Upload time bestämmer när exporteringen sker.

Kategori Quickpost
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Can't find the information you are looking for? Let us know with an email to support@piigab.se. We also want to recommend our manuals and our "getting started" documents that you will find under downloads section in the respective product. The documents include valuable information on how to proceed.

If you are looking for features or if you find that something is not working as expected, do not hesitate to contact us so we can adjust the help files or include the features at the next update. If there is anything that you feel is missing or if you have ideas on how to make it better, let us know.

Contact us.

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