Eviny is one of Norway's largest energy supply producers, which manufactures and distributes electricity to over 180,000 customers. Eviny has a great environmental commitment and says themselves that "society needs more green energy and good innovative solutions that make life easier and better for people". In addition to contributing climate-friendly energy, the company also contributes to society as it offers both free educational programs and acts as sponsors to many local sports clubs.
Eviny is a future-oriented energy company that wants to steer the leading development of climate-friendly energy and innovative infrastructure solutions. The Group is headquartered in Bergen, Norway. Eviny already has over 30 hydroelectric power plants and over 3000 kilometers of fiber networks. In addition, the company builds and operates district heating plants in Bergen. Some of the homes that Eviny supplies and supplies with electricity also offer individual metering of hot water for heating and consumption.
The Challenge:
Eviny Energitjenster har använt sig av M-Bus protokollet i många år, men var inte nöjda med den befintliga lösningen som levererats. Det var ett svårarbetat system och varje gång det behövde göras ändringar eller läggas till mätartyper var man tvungna att vända sig till leverantören, vilket var både tidskrävande och väldigt dyrt. Företaget insåg att det fanns ett behov av en ny kommunikationslösning och började således sitt sökande efter en ny bättre lösning. Efter diskussioner med flera mätarleverantörer fick man höra talas om oss på PiiGAB. I samband med detta tog Øystein Kjosavik, som är energirådgivare på Eviny Energitjenster, kontakt med oss och efter det gick allt väldigt snabbt.
”Det bland annat var den snabba tillbakakopplingen och viljan att leverera en kundanpassad lösning som gjorde att valet föll på PiiGAB. Lösningen vi fick föreslagen var smidig och säker men framförallt användarvänlig.” säger Øystein Kjosavik,
The Solution:
Initially, Eviny Energitjenster needed a communication solution for a project regarding individual measurement of student housing. There, values from consumption meters such as heat, water, gas and electricity meters are collected, from each individual apartment. After that, the tenant is charged his individual consumption. Eviny Energitjenster needed to make this work smoothly, efficiently and safely and we soon came up with a simple but oh so effective solution that would cover their needs, namely our M-Bus converter PiiGAB M-Bus 900 with the application QuickPost.
PiiGAB M-Bus 900 collects all values and QuickPost enables the converter itself to send the metrics to an FTP server. Eviny Energitjenster also requested a configuration application, as there are very many meters to be read and the time to configure them individually would be far too time consuming. We then developed an application that looks up all meters on the M-Bus loop and places them in the right template automatically. This saves the company a lot of time and they can also seem more self-sustaining.
Thanks to the fact that there is traceability all the way when the M-Bus protocol is used, it makes the reading more accurate and the configuration easier, this is because you can connect the meter number to the reading.
Øystein säger följande om lösningen; ”PiiGAB M-Bus 900 är en väldigt stabil produkt och vi har idag en mycket större kontroll på avläsningen, det är lättare att lägga till mätare och felläsningar har minskat avsevärt. Idag är vi mer eller mindre helt självgående och behöver vi hjälp får vi alltid bra support av er distributör Autic här i Norge eller av era tekniker direkt. Vi har en helt annan arbetssituation idag än vad vi hade förr”.
After the first initial project, Eviny Energitjenster has gradually started replacing the current solutions at the other facilities. Today, Eviny Energitjenster has 65 facilities where PiiGAB M-Bus 900 serves as a reading device. At the moment, more than 5000 M-Bus meters are read, all through PiiGAB M-Bus 900, in addition, at the time of writing, four new plants are being completed with over 1300 meters spread over four converters, one of which is Norway's largest shopping center. Eviny works by the motto; "We give tomorrow new opportunities", and at PiiGAB we are very proud and happy about the opportunity to contribute to it.
are read out
Number of locations with PiiGAB M-Bus 900
Solution facts
Via the converter PiiGAB M-Bus 900, measurement values from thousands of measurement points are collected. Once the values are collected, the QuickPost application is used to automatically post the values to an FTP server. We also developed a specially developed configuration application for Eviny, namely Eviny Config, this so that they would have a smoother and safer solution. Eviny Config automatically looks up the meters and connects the meters to the right category. Since Eviny Config uses meter numbers to retrieve measurement values from the meter, it contributes to secure traceability and an easy configuration.
Our solution has given Eviny Energitjenster both a better working situation and a more reliable billing service. Today, they can work much more independently and thus save both time and money. With this solution, they will also go a step further in offering more green energy and innovative solutions that make life easier and better for people.
Want to know more about the solution?
Feel free to contact us and we will tell you more and help you further.