New roles at PiiGAB
When Fredrik stepped into the role as CEO 2 years ago, his most important task was to significantly increase sales. With the growth rate we have had since then, we can state that the goal has been achieved!
Over the past 2 years, Fredrik has made a strong contribution to PiiGAB's sales successes and established us as a growth company through customer focus and his strong personal commitment.
Styrelsen och kollegorna förstår hans beslut där många långa dagar med resor och arbete ger lite tid till familj och fritid.
Fredrik kommer succesivt avveckla sitt engagemang i PiiGAB, men kommer under en period fortsatt att stötta oss med sin kund- och marknadskompetens.
As Fredrik Öhrberg ends his position as CEO, the Board has decided to make an organizational change in order to meet the challenges a company face in the event of strong growth.
Johan Palm, who today is our Support Manager, also takes over the responsibility as Sales Manager and export sales and to his aid he has Ola Åberg who takes the sales responsibility in Sweden.
Fredrik Öhrberg: -”It has been two very exciting years. I went into the role with a clear mission: -To develop the relationships with direct connection to our development department. -To broaden our collaborations with suppliers and consultants, all in order to be more involved in our customers' everyday lives. -To attract the majority of new employees who will continue to participate in PiiGAB's progress. But not least -To grow, which we did with just over 40%.
The challenges have been many and the goals have been set high. Now it's time for entrepreneur Öhrberg to be more involved in the family. The commitment to PiiGAB has taken time, but I am proud of the new PiiGAB that is emerging.”
With Fredrik Öhrberg now leaving, Fredrik Winroth will take over the formal role as CEO of PiiGAB.
At the same time as we think it is sad that Fredrik Öhrberg is leaving, we want to thank him for his strong commitment and all the work he has put into PiiGAB. We wish him luck in his future career.
Thomas Sundberg
Chairman of the Board at PiiGAB