PiiGAB M-Bus OPC Server

PiiGAB M-Bus OPC Server opens up possibilities to communicate with different M-Bus meters. The M-Bus OPC Server is completely general, meaning you can mix and match M-Bus meters from different manufacturers, independently of if it is single or multi telegram, if it has a primary or secondary address etc. The OPC Server supports serial, UDP/IP and TCP/IP communication.

The PiiGAB M-Bus OPC Server is a completely general OPC Server. This means that you can mix and match from different manufacturers of M-Bus meters on the same M-Bus loop. The M-Bus OPC Server supports Variable Data Structure and Fixed Data Structure. It can also handle both primary and secondary addresses.

The OPC-Server is a thin server, meaning that the server and the OPC Interface are completely separated from each other. This means that all necessary configurations can be made without starting the OPC-Server itself.

OPC Servern finns i fem olika versioner baserat på antalet mätare som skall anslutas. De olika storlekarna som kan beställas är för 20, 250, 1000, 2500 eller 5000 mätare. Har du behov för fler, kontakta oss.

Direkt i din följesedel får du ett LicensID och en aktiveringskod att installera.

Features PiiGAB M-Bus OPC Server

Generic M-Bus OPC Server.
Mix different manufacturers on the same bus.
Single and multi telegram support.
Primary and secondary addressing.
Supports Variable Data Structure.
Support for manufacturer specific data.
Support for serial, UDP/IP and TCP/IP communication.
Thin OPC Server.
OPC Certified.
Support DA 2.00, 2.05a och 3.00.

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